​​Angie Welch

Medium, Pranic Healer, Artist

Leap of Faith Soul Space
17 Doughty Drive, Suite 215, Brewer, ME, USA

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Leap of Faith Soul Space

17 Doughty Drive, Suite 215, Brewer, Maine


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Manifesting Love
By: Angie Welch


As we are on the edge of Valentine’s Day, people often start thinking about love. Even more so than other days!  He loves me, He loves me not… Do you find yourself daydreaming about love? Thinking about your next partner; what they will look like and when they are going to arrive? Maybe you’re wondering if the person that you are interested in is “into you” as well? Or perhaps you’re simply contemplating your current relationship?  

Is this relationship as loving or fulfilling as I want? What am I bringing or not bringing to the table to make this happen? Whatever your current relationship status, I’d bet a 20 spot that thoughts of “love” creep into your mind quite often.  Given that we manifest not only with our actions, but even more so with our thoughts, take heed! Manifesting real, meaningful love isn’t as hard as you may think.

Over the years, my experience has taught me that, next to money, manifesting “love” is at the top of the list for most people. We ALL want a relationship where we feel desired, respected and appreciated.  And I just told you it’s not really that hard to manifest, So why does it seem so hard to come by sometimes?  Sadly, while many will proclaim they want that type of relationship, a good portion of people actually struggle with feeling that they truly deserve it. Others may believe they deserve it, but they don’t know what they’re doing wrong, or why it hasn’t shown up yet.  And sometimes people actually have it, and don’t take the time to truly sit in gratitude because they are too busy comparing their relationship to the ones they see on social media (BTW, you do know most of what you see on social media is only a representation of what people WANT you to see, and may be quite far from the truth but that’s a whole other topic for discussion!)

I teach manifesting techniques regularly to my private business clients. I feel that a loving, fulfilling relationship should be available to everyone (not just a few lucky people), so if you’re struggling, let’s see if we can get to the bottom of the problem.   Since the same rules surrounding manifesting apply, no matter what the desired subject or outcome is, I’ll give you the four simple steps I’ve used hundreds of times to manifest things into my life.  And let me ease your mind; they don’t work JUST for me, these easy, yet powerful steps have worked for dozens upon dozens of my personal clients. Are you ready to manifest love?  It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4.

Decide.  Okay, I could easily write 10 more blogs on this first step alone, but I want to keep this simple for you.

You need to decide, and I mean clearly decide what type of relationship you want. Who do you want your lover/partner to BE?  I don’t specifically mean their name, but who are they as a person? How will they treat you? How much attraction will you feel?  Do you share religious and or political views? Are finances and job status important? What about pets? Children? Do you see what I’m getting at?  You can’t decide with a simple: “I want a boyfriend” or “a girlfriend” or “a spouse”.  That could be disastrous!  

Think about it. You don’t go to a restaurant, and order “just a salad” and expect an overflowing cobb salad to appear (because hey, in your mind a salad is way more than just greens, it includes eggs, bacon, cheese etc.)  If you order “just a salad” you might just get iceberg lettuce with a slice of cucumber and tomato wedge on a plate. When working on this first step, you must take your time. Write it out. Read it. Re-read it. Like a dozen times. Then maybe re-work it.

Declare it.  Yes, say it.  Say it out loud.  Write it in your journal.  Use a dry erase marker to put it on your bathroom mirror. As you declare it, so it is set into motion to appear.  Now here’s a thing to pay attention to… as you’ve decided what you want and are getting ready to declare it, do it all in the positive sense. Your words are very powerful and the universe does not discriminate between “good and bad” phrases, but everything is viewed as a positive.  If you use the words “won’t cheat on me”, be forewarned… the word “won’t” may very well get wiped from the equation leaving you with the phrase “cheat on me”.  I’d bet what you really desire is fidelity.  So switch it to a positive phrase such as “my partner is honest and faithful”.  The trick I always teach my clients is to say a phrase out loud and see how it “feels” emotionally as it comes out of your mouth.  If it feels yucky, if it gives you an uneasy feeling in your stomach when you say it slowly, then change it.  

Own it.  By owning it, you need to feel it to believe it. It’s yours. That dream partner is YOUR partner! Even if they haven’t identified themselves yet, they DO exist and they ARE your partner! Sit in meditation and notice how it feels now that you have that relationship (yes, put it in the present tense, as IF it’s already arrived).  When you are talking about manifesting a loving partner, this step can sometimes cause people to pause.  I’ve had people tell me they’ve not ever experienced the type of relationship they are trying to manifest, so how can they “own” it… if they’ve never “felt it” before? You may be asking the same thing. A simple mind trick is to think of people and relationships that already have those characteristics that your dream partner has.  Are they kind? Who in your life is very kind?  Sit and feel that emotion, that relationship and declare this same feeling is felt for your partner. Are they compassionate? Who in your life already displays compassion to you? Is your dream partner financially secure and generous with their money? Who in your life already has these traits? The key is to identify the feelings you have surrounding those personality traits… and wrap them into one person. Remember, you DO deserve this person in your life.  You do deserve to feel this level of love.

Give thanks. You need to be in a vibrational state of gratitude. Keeping yourself on that positive energy vibration of giving thanks for this amazing love is key.  Just as you say “thank you” in anticipation AFTER you’ve placed your order in a restaurant (yes, well before your meal arrives you have typically already thanked the waitress) the same rule applies here.  Give thanks in anticipation.  After all, time is irrelevant. Giving thanks shows the universe you have faith that what you’ve asked for is coming.

Side bar - And what about if you already have a relationship but it’s not exactly what you want?  You need to do some inner reflection and ask why?  What would need to change?  Is that change possible and probable? If so, how?  And, what do YOU need to do differently yourself?  Sometimes it’s a complete overhaul or it needs to go. Sometimes it’s absolutely salvageable but takes work.  And sometimes it’s already good and the focus is on making it better.  (The same above steps still apply!)

Now that you’ve gone through the 4 simple steps there are a few more things to consider.  

Time.  Time is one of the things that slips people up.  Time is a funny thing, it can be a very fluid or concrete piece of the equation.  While we may want something (or someone) right NOW, it may take the Universe a little time to adjust the GPS routes of yourself and that certain person (or thing) so that their paths eventually converge. Please be patient.  When you are manifesting something that includes another person both people must be on the same page and that sometimes requires more time.  I can’t stress it enough… make sure to be really clear with what is important to you in the relationship and the feelings that surround that.  If you absolutely cannot deal with someone who is hypocritical or someone who can’t seem to hold a job down, or who is extremely cautious in all areas of their life, or who wants a big family (when you don’t want children) then address that when manifesting.  You don’t want to realize once the “perfect person” arrives, that there is actually a huge character flaw or difference in life goals (in your opinion) that you overlooked. Just keep what’s really really important to you at the forefront. With manifesting, you’ll most always get just what you asked for.  



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